Saturday, October 03, 2009

From Publshing Perspectives:

Finding #happiness on Twitter
Editorial by Sharon Glassman

Different social media have different theme songs. By this I mean: a combo of info-pacing and density that creates a kind of silent, yet powerful tune.
Linked In's theme-song is coldly John Cage-esque.Facebook's theme song is jarringly jam-bandish.Twitter's theme song, by contrast is the Popcorn Song.
As a book-loving, book-writing-n-writing-about person, that kind of info-rich popitty-pop spells biblio-heaven to me.Twitter has an amazing ability to help book folks reach and Wow other book lovers in powerful and way cool ways. (read on ...)

Bonus Material: The Year of Twitter at Frankfurt
By Edward Nawotka

I don't tweet as often as I should. But I do often feel compelled to tweet when I attend conferences. The instant feedback on a speaker's presentation can be just as interesting as what's being said at the front of the room.
Or, if you're not present at an event, by following a stream of tweets you can almost feel as if you're there - it's like being in two places at once, if you will.
The Frankfurt Book Fair is so big, with so much happening simultaneously, that you're sure to miss something you wanted to see. Fear not. Twitter is a perfect medium for an event like Frankfurt, where you'll likely be able to follow all the action from across the Messe (even if you never leave Hall 8). (read on ...)

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